Keeping up with Covid – How to make your home work for you (Part 1)
With lockdown 2.0 upon us there is a spotlight being shone on our homes again. Over the past months, and in particular during the first lockdown, life for all of us changed. Our homes became the set for every part of our lives – work, family, play, relaxation, exercise – day and night. Now this way of living is starting to become a little more permanent, so we all need ways of improving our spaces so they can start to work for our new routines.
Over my next few blog posts I will explore the three most common cravings I am hearing from people right now, and share my ideas with you.
A space where you can be alone at home
Connect to green spaces and the countryside
Better office / work space
A space to be alone at home
Dens are not just for children! I am sure most of us have fond memories of creating dens at some point in our childhood. If you think back, why did you love doing this so much? What spurred you on? Maybe your answer was to hide from parents / siblings? Or to have a space that is truly yours? Or perhaps to have somewhere to disappear off to, to escape? At a time where we are always on top of each other sharing the same space, I think these same feelings and desires are bubbling up in us again, even as adults.
Inside a guest room wardrobe is the perfect place to hideaway in this house.
Design & photography by @siscooriginals.
All you really need to create a cosy space to escape is a comfortable place to sit, be warm, and feel (at least partially) secluded from the world around you. It does not need to be big or spacious. So, think of the unused places and forgotten corners of your home – they may have piles of stuff in (even a big cupboard can work) – now is the time to be ruthless and clear out the pile of stuff. Right now you need a calm corner more than you need that box of old DVDs you haven’t watched since Netflix launched!
Do you have a built-in cupboard in your guest bedroom that sits there half-empty most of the time? Sadly, we won’t be having guests over to stay for a while, so why not put this space to good use?
A calm reading nook under the stairs away from the madness.
Design & photography by Amy Keast.
Do you have space under your staircase? This is perfect to create a comfortable seating area for curling up with a good book or flicking through a magazine with a cuppa. If you have the budget you could create a built in seating area with storage below and lots of cushions and blankets on top. But if that sounds too much for you find a little chair or just pile up some big comfy cushions and grab a throw / blanket – you have your cosy haven to help you unwind for a while from the world around you.
If you have a half landing on your staircase this is another great place to make the most of. Catherine Lock, creative director of The New Craftsmen has created a beautiful space on her staircase in front of the window. A relaxing space with natural light as well as a comfy spot to put your feet up – exactly what we all need! You can read all about her home refurbishment on The Modern House journal.
The perfect space to relax. Design by Catherine Lock. Source: The Modern House journal
I hope this gives you all some inspiration to create your very own spaces to be escape and unwind in your own homes. Share your spaces with me on instagram, I would love to see your creations!