Interior Designer | Graphic Designer | print & pattern lover
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Chapter. Magazine

Chapter. magazine is a quarterly publication targeted at young people, starting out in their professional career and first home. One of the focuses of this magazine is living on a budget; this audience may have an interest in style and design but have limited funds.

Chapter. magazine styling

Completed: 2014
Photography: Amy Keast (© Amy Keast)

This is a quarterly magazine targeted at young people who may be starting out in their adult life both in terms of their professional career and first home. The expected age range is between the ages of 20 and 35. These people may be in their first ‘proper’ job, on the first rung of their chosen career ladder and on a starting salary. I see this as being a ‘chapter’ in someone’s life; this has been reflected in my choice of name for the magazine. One of the focuses of this magazine is living on a budget; this audience may have an interest in style and design but have limited funds.

Front cover of Chapter. – Spring 2014 issue.
Spread from Spring 2014 issue – all my own photography, styling and editorial design
Spread from the Spring 2014 issue – all my own photography, styling and editorial design
Front cover of Chapter. – Summer 2014 issue.